It took a while to get my alpha channels rendering properly from C4D so that I could bring the animated berry into After Effects without any of the background layering. Basically last Sunday night I thought I had it sorted and left the first 60 frames rendering over night (the whole render was going to take 29 hours (and then only if everything went to plan)).
Unfortunately Monday morning left me with unusable footage and what's more it was impossible to get onto After Effects or Cinema 4D all day due to the college licenses all being booked out.
What this test render did do was point out the need for considering reflections of the flying character in the shiny surface of the berry, so I set about animating a fixed shape silhouette of the character around the berry in C4D, I had to match the position of character as best I could bearing in mind the character will be composited in After Effects to the C4D footage.
The character was set up not to be seen by the camera but the berry was set up to see its reflection thus giving the illusion that something was moving around. It's subtle and you probably wont notice it but without it it just looked wrong.
Reflection in the berry created by animating a crude silhouette in C4D
I finally established all the correct settings and also learned that After Effects CS3 interprets a series of TIFF files generated by C4D as one movie file. Whereas my ancient version 5.5 does nothing of the sort. Never mind, I'll have all the up to date necessary software eventually maybe.
I then set about adding the wings, after setting them up in C4D to be slightly transparent, self luminating and flapping I dropped the footage into the background and with the camera locked matched the movement of the character frame by frame by placing the wings at the size, shape and angle they would be at if they were on the characters back. This was then also rendered out in an alpha channel on its own.
Wings created as cut out animation in C4D, the position was animated to follow the footage frame by frame.
Now by mid week I had some of the berry animation rendered and wings were ready to drop into After Effects. My next problem was that the footage was no longer in time. For example, I knew I had rendered a 20 frame section of the berry but it was longer than this in the time line and everything everywhere in both C4D and AE was set at 25fps. This meant further problem solving until I found a blog that stated this:
Don't import into AE without it.
Shadow added to follow beneath character.
and behind the berry as were the wings also adjusted to be in-front or behind the character.
First experience of After Effects and it's actually quite easy to get your head around the basics.
Thursday and Friday was pretty much spent in Photoshop rotoscoping over the top of the new footage using a drawing tablet (for the first time ever) to add firstly the glowing antennas and then the big tongue. Again this was drawn frame by frame to match the movement of the character.
Rotoscoped antennas and tongue.
I pretty much achieved what I wanted this week on this project. All that was left was the mist, the camera movement and sound. Up until now the scene has been static other than the movement within. I set up the low lying mist in C4D over the weekend and rendered it out ready to composite in After Effects on monday (today).
Making fog in C4D is easy. Then exporting as an alpha.
I dropped it into AE twice, masking the bottom off for the background and the
top + around the character as it moves in the foreground, feathering out the middle.
top + around the character as it moves in the foreground, feathering out the middle.
Over the weekend I moved house but also managed to record a few sounds for my animation, both ambient bird sounds outside and a weird buzzing synthesiser noise for the insect character. On top of this i wanted some kind of funky tune to relate to the animation and started messing around in Garage Band.
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