Monday, 21 March 2011

Some 3D Character research that I quite like...

Last week we were shown a few animations, there is one in particular that I have seen before which I quite admire in so much as the style of the artwork produced. Although the animation is very much in generated in 3D the visual illustrative style looks hand painted. If you freeze the animation at any point you will be viewing what appears to be an individually painted scene. I love it.

Another animation I really like for the style and technique is Codehunters, not necessarily for the story, but the use of light and texture creates a really dramatic effect along with a kind of hand drawn outline style used with almost super real/unreal textures. Strange stuff.

And in a very different way I love the stylisation of this crazy animation by David OReilly call Wolf 2106, The style of the scenery is very graphic, stylised and simple, I'm wondering whether to combine by 3D character into something similar.

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