Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pictoplasma Yeti Competition Entry

I've sent off an entry for the Yeti Comp. Seeing as how my Fraiser Werp has been decked out in winter combat apparel during its development it became logical that with the addition of a winter coat it could become a Yeti-like cousin of the same creature.

Who's to say Yetis need legs any way, all they do is roll around in the snow all day and then brush themselves down with a feather.

It took over 20 minutes to render this one frame!

I wonder if we get free tickets to Paris when we win?

Friday, 14 October 2011

AD208 Character Progression SMART TARGETS

This test render shows where things stand at the moment...

I've pretty much achieved this weeks targets, the character is effectively build.


In my overall plan for the whole project from the beginning next week was to be dedicated to rigging the character. Which shouldn't be a problem I just need to complete the feather and look at creating fur and whiskers (with some kind of control or dynamics)

          1 - Complete feather
          2 - Add fur to neck and face
          3 - Add whiskers to cheeks
          4 - Rig main body and eyeballs
          5 - Possibly rig whiskers and feather?
          6 - Set morphs on eyelids
          7 - Look into ways of maintaining body volume when 
               character bounces possibly using muscle dynamics

          Week 4 will focus on animating 2D styles and elements which will be aided by being 
          able to animate the 3D character and even use this to create the 2D animation.

          Week 5 will be dedicated to rendering and write up.

AD208 Character Progression - How it was done.

The aim for this week was to build a 3D model in C4D of my main character which I have essentially done.


The character was built from extruding a sphere upwards rather than using the symmetry technique used on last years 3D model. This simplicity of the character didn't warrant symmetry. The mesh was extended upwards over two smaller spheres which were used as a guide to build around the eyes.

The nostrils and mouth were then cut, modeled built built into the face, the mouth design was developed a little further enabling more expressive animation later on.

The arms were built by joining 2 spheres together, the spheres were the basis for the joints and these were then built upon at the bas and then united with the main body.

The 'ear holes' were simply squares deleted from the main body and extruded inwards, the outer of the squares were knifed to create and extra polygon boarder which helped to control the rim of the hole to a desired effect. Once HyperNurbs are applied they smooth out the holes into circles these have then been distorted individually to prevent the hole thing looking too uniform.

The tail was molded from half a sphere and then then attached to the body after removing an area of the mesh. 

The flipper was built and shaped from a flat plain which was duplicated and joined together, modeled to shape and then attached to the arm.

I had a little play with some lighting and rendering settings after applying a material (taken from C4D materials). It might seem like a waste of time but I find it easier visualise how the mesh is working if I can see how the skin reacts to light and texture.

Next it was time to create the eyes, I picked a mesh style on a sphere that would work best with the style of pupil I wanted so I could cut away a hole with as little distortion as possible.


The pupil was cut out and the hole was pulled into the eyeball slightly and a black disc was placed into the hole. This will enable me to animate the size of the pupil using morph tags later on.

I quite like these button-like eyes but have since added a sphere over the top with a transparent material applied to it to give the eyes a more glossy look. Remember I'm not using correct colour-ways at this time but it's useful to see how effects like reflections, etc effect them.


The screenshot above was take with the eyeballs plonked onto the top of the eye lids, which meant modeling the eyes properly. All I did was simplify the number of polygons on the lids and then open them up, re-shape them and add enough of a mesh to fold into the eye socked behind the eyeballs.

I encountered a slight problem when test rendering with global illumination and ambient occlusion, the eyes go black, logic lead me to finding a render setting to tick a tick box allowing it to process transparencies.

before                  (ignore the colour)                     after

Now for a real challenge which I haven't yet concluded properly. I draw a simple curved spline, select a circle plain and using a SweepNurb to create the stem of the feather after adjusting the size and shape of it within the controls.

The feather tag allows you to draw up the contoured shape of the feather and numerous controls allow the feather to be created in a variety of shapes from nice and neat to a real scraggy looking thing.

The results were fairly satisfactory but I wanted to explore another technique as I haven't yet worked out how the dynamics would be applied to both the feather spline and the shape of the feather core so that they would act like a feather when the arm is moved.

My other idea was to have no core for the feather and to Set Selection of a single point at the end of the arm, apply a hair tag and then apply a feather tag to the hair. This 'hair' instantly reacts like a 'hair' until you select the rigidity tick box and comb it to a curved shape. The feather is then built in a similar way as before.

The problem is, as you can see, I have some how ended up with a ghost feather (seen on the bottom right of the view port) I've somehow gained this by trying to use the set up of the old feather on the new one without having to set it all up again. The problem is when I delete it the other one deletes too! 

Something to keep me busy anyway.

Monday, 10 October 2011

AD208 - Fraiser Werp progression

This is the latest form my 3D mesh construction of the Fraiser Werp character. It's well and truly in progress, I've modeled it with eyes closed (the model not mine) and built the mesh in such a way that the lids will morph open nicely when finished.

The texture is pure messing around at the moment, nothing like the original design, I just like the idea of a Fraiser Cow, squeeze it and milk shot out the holes?

The arm appendages and the holes are still to be built upon and then it's working out the best way to rig the critter.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

AD208 Research

Patrick Jean's 'Pixels'
This is a clever use of recognisable retro symbols and characters from old video games constructed as pixels or blocks which interact and slowly take over the world.

Ruairi Robinson - '50 Percent Grey'
This could be relevant to the beginning phase of my animation with it being set in a very plain background, I quite like the anarchy involved too.

BlinkyTM (2011 Short film) - Ruairi Robinson
There is something very spooky about this, what in effect looks like a short film about a sweet little robot friend actually seems to be quite sinister, i need to find out more about it. I'm not sure if the kid is menacing the robot or protecting himself from it.

another trailer:
I've found what looks to be the full version on you tube although I stopped watching it half way through as the quality is pretty bad.

Imaginary Forces - Ruairi Robinson

Another piece of work from Ruairi Robinson, this is even more revelant to my concept than his robot short film as it seems to involve creatures that only the central character can see. I need to find out more about this.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Spin Off Idea

While doing my initial ideas for this years main animation project I came up with a little spin off idea, so I've spent a little time on an eyeball tutorial in C4D (with working and expanding pupil) and created the beginnings of my blob idea.

I guess essentially if you stripped everything away from the "Fraiser Werp" then you would end up with a blob trying to bounce around. 

Hopefully I can interject this into this years show real along with my Captain Carp animation.

Latest still from 'The Blob Escape'

Initial inspiration and screen shots of the blob and eye development (with expandable pupil!)

I've just added the eye lids and the morphs associated with them. Yes I know This seems like a distraction but I think experimenting with the creation of some decent eyes that I can animate fully and practicing with the morphing of a stretching body can only be of a benefit to this years main project.

More Useful Reference...

This is a simple animation which shows how a short story can be put together using a very simple character composited onto live action footage. Which is a technique I hope to include in this years main project. 

I initially found this on the 'Very Short International Film Festival' page.
which I think would be a good place to consider entering a short animation (under 3 minutes). The only issue being that they don't seem to be excepting entries at the moment, but it looks as though the deadline will be some time in February.


I've finally found a full version of the Babioles animation on youtube by Matray which is also quite relevant to my Fraiser Werp animation technique:

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Character Elevations of a Fraiser Werp

If you see one of these then call the police...

...and arrest yourself.

Further expression studies from Mr Charles Darwin: