Sunday, 23 September 2012


Well Mr Fraiser Werp didn't win at the Van d'Or Awards but I did come close to being lumbered with a very expensive jar of Barry Norman's pickled onions during the auction I'm sure.

Had a fun filled evening full of champagne, pizza and San Miguel all the same. 

The majority of the evening was focussed on film rather than animation. The winner of the animation category was Bertie the Crisp which we didn't actually get to see, but to actually have The Fraiser Werp nominated as a runner up to an animation built by a 31 strong production team is nothing to be sniffed at. 

So I'd like to thank my production team for getting me there:

Andy Jenkinson 
For the quality voice over and additional sound effects 

Paul Smyth at Lab73 
For levelling out the audio tracks into something very close to perfection

my good self
for learning on the job and doing everything else, cheers.

Something that I was quite impressed with was the winner of the Motion Graphic category...

A trailer of The Fraiser Werp will be be available to the public soon, or full version can be seen upon request....


  1. I would love to see the full version again! Are you ever going to put it up on vimeo or youtube? It was be amazing to see it again :)

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