Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Fraiser Werp Production Tasks

I have dissected every part of my Fraiser Werp animation now that VERSION 11 (!!) of the script has been finalised and forwarded to the splendid fellow offering to be the voice of the narrator throughout the animation. This led me to not only produce a production plan but firstly a means of visualising the production tasks associated with the animation so that they can then be planned.!

It makes things clear to myself as to where the time will be spent, singling out the 3D, 2D and stop motion elements and the all important allowance for the planning of the 3D character rig and animation scenes, the compositing and editing.

It was written to be approximately 4:30 minutes long but in analysis I have selected the parts grayed out on the plan as areas the story will still very much work without. What with time being of the essence they will be left until last to allow focus elsewhere, it brings it down to about 3 minutes so it will make a big difference to my stress levels if nothing else!

Quality rather than quantity as they say after all.

And here's my production time table. I've actually definitely decided to scrap scene's 5 & 6 and the first part of scene 7, and I'm happier for it. It's going to be quite as slog as it is and I haven't even textured my character in Cinema 4D yet, but I've allowed time for it.

You'll notice the grayed out areas, these are potential work placement days, I've allowed for working over them in part because a good part of my work gets done in the evenings (yes I work all evening as well as all day!), but I've stretched projects over and past them knowing this.

God forbid I have any kind of life in the next 3 months, but this is what it's all about for me at the moment. Gain as much experience and knowledge in a very short period of time as possible and the potential to produce an original piece of work that I wouldn't otherwise have have produced. Then to use this to get a job in the same field.

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