Saturday, 17 March 2012

Fraiser Werp Update

I've realised I've been so busy working that I've not updated my blog with my progress. Here's some snap shots from my current Fraiser Work production in progress. Work placement at Mere Mortals has had a bit of a knock on effect to my work flow as would be expected but I'm trying to churn through things as fast as possible.

Scene 2: Part 1: Flicking through Charles Darwin's notebook

Scene 2: Part 2: The Fraiser Werp pops up from the page and hops off

Scene 3: part 3: inner workings of the human brain processing Frasier Werps, (unfinished)

Scene 4: part 1: spinning newspaper (unfinished - completion relies on footage in the background, motion tracked from Scene 3 Part 4)

Scene 4: part 2: Steam Powered TV in study

Scene 4: part 3: Scientists try to anaylise a Fraiser Werp interacting with a Steam Television.

I've not achieved as much as I wanted to to date but considering I've only been producing artwork and animated scenes for 3 weeks then it's not going too badly.

By the end of tomorrow I want to have all of Scene 2 in the bag which means creating a pop up of the Fraiser Werp from Charles Darwin's book which hops off the page onto the table.

Next week will be dedicated to UV mapping and painting up the 3D model of the Fraiser Werp which I haven't touched since November I think. That will entail much research and online tutorial time.

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