Saturday, 28 April 2012


I have chosen to turn this week just passed and next week on it's head. I've spent most of this week rendering, editing and tweaking scene done so far rather than the stop motion I had pencilled in to my plan. Which will leave next week free from all that editing and tweaking.

The logic being, it would give me a better sense of what might need changing tweaking, adding and developing timing wise and help me delegate the right amount of time to what else needs doing. The logic has worked quite well and given me better time to condense and prepare what is needed in the final set of stop motion scenes after which everything will be complete!

It has also given me an opportunity to re-evaluate the way the ending is visualised and I've ended the animation by combining a couple of new ideas which work better over the narration (considering I don't have a multi-million dollar corporation working behind me to visualise my originally intended scenes!.

I cant's stress enough that is an absolute life saver with regards to time spent rendering. I just uploaded the very last scene today, 155 frames (the very last scene in the animation not the last bit of work to do) and it was rendered and downloaded back on my mac again within 10 minutes. It takes me at least 7 minutes to render these particular frames on my mac!

So today I've been editing and tweaking in After Effects but here's some other stuff going on:

I worked very hard trying to de-tune a digital TV to get some wavy lines and film them, in these current digital days the TV normally goes blue instantly so I had to comp the three seconds together in after effects from about 20 separate frame sequences.

Proud of this scene, finally getting back to my routes by animating some graphics!

 And this little scene featuring Werpy's Column (watch the animation and you'll understand)

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