Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Mere Mortals

For the last four weeks I've been popping into Mere Mortals a couple of days a week, just as an update here's a few screen shots of some of the 3D modeling I've been doing for them. It's a great friendly post production and animation studio to have been hanging around in although it's probably not the best time for me to be dedicating time to a placement at such a crucial point in the course.

Yes it's not the most creative of work but technically it's been at least challenging and helping me to become more proficient in finding efficient ways to construct shapes within Cinema 4D. The files will ultimately be exported as FBX files from C4D to be opened in 3D Studio Max for some kind of alarm system installation animation sequence.

And it's not over yet!

Other than this I began the first week or so rotoscoping around a passenger on an inflight Emirates Airline safety movie (or an Emirates sister airline, no entirely sure to be honest). Basically cutting out the deep shadowy parts that can't be automatically cut out from green screen movie footage. This was done in Mocha so was a new experience and linked through After Effects. No screen grabs of this as of yet.

Update over. Bed time.

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